Tag Archives: Documentary Photographer

Nakate’s Beads of Hope

Shanley Knox Is one of the most courageous women I know. She takes Social Enterprise in its literal sense as she works with Local Artisans far deep in the Village of Kakooge in Nakasongola Uganda to help them generate a sustainable income rather than hand them aid. The most interesting thing isn’t only her model but the fact that she uses fashion to make known talent that lies deep inside hard working local Artisans at one end of the world.
The Nakate Project “exists to provide unique designs from Ugandan artisans to fashion conscious women. We use the creation of our pieces as an opportunity to establish relationships connecting Ugandan professionals and artisans with marginalized women in rural villages – using African talent to nourish African growth and development. Our idea of taking Africa with you is centered on the belief that the Africa we have experienced has to something to teach and offer brave, open, inspired women across the globe. Through the unique aesthetic we have come to love, we seek to both celebrate a part of the world that teaches us to live more deeply, and to challenge the bold adventurer that we know already lives inside of you”

I had the opportunity of working with Shanley doing a little bit of product photography for some of the works of the Women and here are a few shots

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Blog 3


Someday I want to be so good at Portraits that the photos I take will not need captions to tell their stories. I love smiles and I love telling a different story about Africa. I tell stories of poverty and pain but i also tell stories of Joy, happiness and hope. Now those are stories I want to keep telling and I think this is a start for me. 

UPPA portrait 1

UPPA Portraits